Sabtu, 5 Mac 2011

A Brief History of Kefir

Kefir is a fermented milk similar to yoghurt.

It is one of the oldest cultured milk products in existence, enjoying widespread popularity in Russia and the Caucasus. The history of kefir making and the legends connected to this amazing food are described below.

Amongst the people of the northern slopes of the Caucasian Mountains there is a legend that Mohammed gave kefir grains to the Orthodox people and taught them how to make kefir.

The 'Grains of the Prophet’ were guarded jealously since it was believed that they would lose their strength if the grains were given away and the secret of how to use them became common knowledge.

Kefir grains were regarded as part of the family's and tribe's wealth and they were passed on from generation to generation.

So, for centuries the people of the northern Caucasus enjoyed this food without sharing it with anyone else they came into contact with.

Other peoples occasionally heard strange tales of this unusual beverage which was said to have ‘magical’ properties. Marco Polo mentioned kefir in the chronicles of his travels in the East.

However, kefir was forgotten outside the Caucasus for centuries until news spread of its use for the treatment of tuberculosis in sanatoria and for intestinal and stomach diseases.

Russian doctors believed that kefir was beneficial for health and the first scientific studies for kefir were published at the end of the nineteenth century.

However, kefir was extremely difficult to obtain and commercial production was not possible without first obtaining a source of grains.

The members of the All Russian Physician’s Society were determined to obtain kefir grains in order to make kefir readily available to their patients.

Early this century a representative of the society approached two brothers called Blandov and asked them to procure some kefir grains.

The Blandov’s owned and ran the Moscow Dairy, but they also had holdings in the Caucasus Mountain area, including cheese manufacturing factories in the town of Kislovodsk.

The plan was to obtain a source of kefir grains and then produce kefir on an industrial scale in Moscow.

The Blandov’s were excited since they knew that they would be the only commercial producers of this much sought after product.

The true story of the Blandov's quest for the elusive kefir grains is below.
Nikolai Blandov sent a beautiful young employee, Irina Sakharova, to the court of a local prince, Bek-Mirza Barchorov. She was instructed to charm the prince and persuade him to give her some kefir grains.

Unfortunately, everything did not go according to plan. The prince, fearing retribution for violating a religious law, had no intention of giving away any 'Grains of the Prophet’.

However, he was very taken with the young Irina and didn't want to lose her either.
Realising that they were not going to complete their mission, Irina and her party departed for Kislovodsk.

However, they were stopped on the way home by mountain tribesmen who kidnapped Irina and took her back to the prince. Since it was a local custom to steal a bride, Irina was told that she was to marry Bek-Mirza Barchorov. Only a daring rescue mission mounted by agents of her employers saved Irina from the forced marriage.

The unlucky prince was catted before the Tsar who ruled that the prince was to give Irina ten pounds of kefir grains, to recompense her for the insults she had endured.

The kefir grains were taken to the Moscow Dairy and in September, 1908, the first bottles of kefir drink were offered for sale in Moscow. Small quantities of kefir were produced in several small towns in the area where there was a ready market for it, people mostly consume it for its alleged medicinal value.

Commercial manufacture of kefir on a large scale began in Russia, in the 1930s. However, it is difficult to produce kefir by conventional methods on a commercial scale.

Traditionally, kefir was made in cows or goats milk in sacks made from the hides of animals.

Occasionally it was also made in clay pots or wooden buckets or oak vats and in some areas sheeps milk was also used. Usually the kefir sacks were hung in the sun during the day and brought back into the house at night, when they were hung near the door.

Everyone who entered or left the house was expected to prod the sack with their foot to mix the contents. As kefir was removed more fresh milk was added, making the fermentation process continuous.

By the 1930’s kefir was being made as a set-type product which entailed growing a quantity of grains milk and then straining out the grains and adding the cultured milk to a larger batch of fresh milk. The mixture was incubated and, when set, allowed to cool.

Unfortunately, this type of product was not as good as the one produced using the tradition home-style method. During the 1950’s workers at the All-Union Dairy Research Institute (VNIMI) developed a new method for commercial kefir production which gave a drink similar to that produced in the home by traditional methods. The kefir was produced by the stirred method.

Fermentation, coagulation, agitation, ripening and cooling, were carried out in a large vessel, and then the kefir was bottled.

In 1973 the Minister of the Food Industry of the Soviet Union sent a letter to Irina Sakharova thanking her for bringing kefir to the Russian people.

Presently, kefir is the most popular fermented milk in Russia. Various reports have stated that it accounts for between 65% and 80% of total fermented milk sales in Russia with production of over 1.2 million tons per year in 1988. The average yearly consumption of kefir in the Soviet Union was estimated at approximately 4.5 kilograms per person per year in the early 1980s.

Currently kefir is being manufactured on a commercial scale in Czechoslovakia, Finland, Hungary, Norway, Poland, Sweden, Switzerland, Russia and various of the former soviet union states, Denmark, the United States, France, West Germany, Canada and parts of southeast Asia.

In addition to plain kefir, many flavoured varieties are available, being especially popular in the United States.

Super Probiotic Review

The classical fight of good versus evil is playing out inside your body right now. Super Probiotic is the most effective weapon to ensure the good side wins in the end.
The battle we are talking about is between good, beneficial bacterial organisms and harmful, toxic organisms. It’s not a pleasant thought, but right now billions of these organisms are living inside your body. Those that live naturally in the intestines are called probiotics, but bacteria also infest your bone, teeth, hair and every cell that composes your skin.
There is no way to completely eliminate organisms from the human body and in fact, you wouldn’t want to do that. The secret is to balance the sides so you have more healthy, beneficial bacterium than harmful or toxic. The good will naturally destroy the bad for a very healthy body with a long life span, but you have to give them the right tools.
In generations past healthy bacteria was naturally pumped into the body through the soil food crop was grown in and the water, but today harsh fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemical products have altered the foods we consume. The live, active cultures in yogurt and other fermented foods also contain healthy bacteria, but most people do not eat enough of these products to fill the body with the amount of healthy bacteria needed to win this battle.
Why do you think there is so much poor health, disease and illness in our world today? Bacteria imbalance could have a lot to do with it.

The classical fight of good versus evil is playing out inside your body right now. Super Probiotic is the most effective weapon to ensure the good side wins in the end.
The battle we are talking about is between good, beneficial bacterial organisms and harmful, toxic organisms. It’s not a pleasant thought, but right now billions of these organisms are living inside your body. Those that live naturally in the intestines are called probiotics, but bacteria also infest your bone, teeth, hair and every cell that composes your skin.
There is no way to completely eliminate organisms from the human body and in fact, you wouldn’t want to do that. The secret is to balance the sides so you have more healthy, beneficial bacterium than harmful or toxic. The good will naturally destroy the bad for a very healthy body with a long life span, but you have to give them the right tools.
In generations past healthy bacteria was naturally pumped into the body through the soil food crop was grown in and the water, but today harsh fertilizers, pesticides, and other chemical products have altered the foods we consume. The live, active cultures in yogurt and other fermented foods also contain healthy bacteria, but most people do not eat enough of these products to fill the body with the amount of healthy bacteria needed to win this battle.
Why do you think there is so much poor health, disease and illness in our world today? Bacteria imbalance could have a lot to do with it.

The Sad Alternative

Do you know what happens when the bad bacteria start to win and the good are killed off? It’s not a pretty picture, but millions of people are living through it right now…
  • Repeat yeast infections
  • Repeat urinary tract infections
  • Diarrhea
  • Chronic constipation
  • Disease-causing inflammation
Yeast infections are caused by bad bacteria running rampant and outnumbering beneficial bacteria. The same thing can happen in the intestines when probiotics run low and the bad bacteria grow out of control Super Probiotic is the weapon that stops that from happening, or which returns power to the side of the good if it is already occurring inside your body.

Any Downsides?

Many people look at a product like Super Probiotic and complain that it is just like taking fiber pills or boosting your intake of water. It is  just a more expensive way to produce a bowel movement and overcome constipation.
They are missing the other benefits which can’t be gained with water or fiber pills. Super Probiotic delivers LIVING beneficial bacteria to the body on a consistent basis to affect the ratio of good to bad bacteria.
You have less reason to worry about disease and illness because these healthy bacteria will also help protect your immune system. You can even count on a healthy dose of probiotics to improve the condition of your nails, hair and skin cells.

The Bottom Line

Clearly, Super Probiotic is more than just another fiber pill. It delivers the live bacteria you need for a healthy body. You won’t find living organisms in many other products, so check out today!

How Super Probiotic Helps To Get Rid Of Digestive Disorders

Many Probiotics supplements have been introduced in the global market to meet the requirement of essential Probiotics which are beneficial bacteria presented in the gastrointestinal tract of human being. These bacteria help in maintaining good health of your digestive system as well as boost up your regularity to maintain good guts. But among the countless manufacturers of Probiotics supplements few could prove their effective results whereas few became obsolete within few months after their launch.
Super Probiotic is an amazing supplement for Probiotics. This product does not only contain compelling amount of Probiotics but also contains sufficient amount of calcium as well as fiber. And for these calcium and fiber contents Super Probiotic can support your oral health, muscle and bones health.
As you know Probiotics are live bacteria which when consumed in adequate quantity help in boosting your proper digestion system. People who face irregular or irritable bowel problems immediately start taking SuperProbiotic as this product provides striking results in curing chronic bowel disorders like constipation, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel Diseases especially Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s disease. Many people who frequently suffer from stomach ache, diarrhea and other indigestion related problems like bloating in stomach after having food must take Super Probiotic pills to get very good result within very short time. Especially if you are on the medication and taking antibiotics then it’s really mandatory for you to take these Probiotics supplement. It is because antibiotics pills kill both good and bad bacteria hence your existing Probiotics in gastrointestinal tract get destroyed. Here comes the excellence of SuperProbiotic that resupplies all those lost Probiotics to your body to again retain your healthy digestive system.
Many people have tried this magnificent Probiotic supplement and became able to cure their chronic as well as preliminary digestive disorders and Inflammatory Bowel diseases. Even study says that after taking Super Probiotic pills continuously for three months people have become successful in treating their Crohn’s disease. They said that no other such supplement was able to give them proper relief from every aspect as Super Probiotic gave them. Even they have given their feedback that when they went for their yearly colonoscopy doctors said their disease was about to remit.

There are also people who got tremendous good result in curing their irritable bowel syndrome by taking this Probiotics supplement. They have shared their feelings of stomach that used to be upset most frequently and gave lots of trouble and pain to them has become quite a relaxed after taking Super Probiotic pills. Even they feel better by getting sufficient amount of calcium and fibers which are really essential nutrients for body. While calcium provides healthy teeth, gum, bones and muscles, fiber mainly Psyllium boosts up your regularity. Psyllium is also an outstanding nutrient that can reduce blood sugar level, cholesterol level and heart disease.
Moreover the most important thing which really matters to people while trying any new product especially health supplement, is clinical or doctor’s approval for its powerful ingredients. Super Probiotic is formulated by Gastroenterologists and clinically approved for safe use. It doesn’t have any known side effects yet.
Hence in a nutshell you could say Super Probiotic is just an awesome Probiotics supplement that has good support for all over the body’s system especially digestive disorders.

Probiotic Supplements VS Kefir VS Yoghurt

Probiotic Supplements VS Kefir There are really huge confusions among people regarding which would be the best source of Probiotics. While worldwide people find yoghurt as the most enriched and easily available source of Probiotics, few people mostly in Europe and Asia find Kefir as the best source of Probiotics and other people mostly Americans go for Probiotics supplement. Every single source among yoghurt, kefir and Probiotic supplement has certain number of Probiotics content and each of them has some other essential nutrients that are very helpful in maintaining a good health.
As you know Probiotics are nothing but beneficial bacteria presented in gastrointestinal tract of human being and help in maintaining good health of your digestive system as well as healthy count of these useful bacteria in your large intestine. Probiotics if eaten in adequate amount can help anyone maintaining good guts.
Many researches and studies have been conducted on various sources of Probiotics like yoghurt, kefir and Probiotic supplement to see which product is more fruitful. And study reveals that one pill of Probiotic supplement has approximately 15 billion beneficial bacteria whereas 500 ml of yoghurt contains approximately 1.5 trillion friendly bacteria. Now what will make you amazed is that 500 ml of kefir contains 5 trillion Probiotics. As kefir is nothing but a healthy milk drink that provides more than sufficient Probiotics, people of Europe, Asia and other countries consume this product. You can also get kefir grains that last for long time and cost very less. Also many manufacturers of yoghurt has made special flavor of yoghurt containing more Probiotics like Dannon’s Activia where it’s promised that there are more active cultures present in this yoghurt.
But the most enticing part of Probiotics which got revealed in many studies is that these active cultures can improve many health disorders and cure many chronic diseases. Here comes the excellence of Probiotics supplements which are made keeping in mind of those effective measures of Probiotics. Hence besides curing and boosting a person’s chronic bowel disorder these supplements could improve constipation, can enhance body’s immune system, can improve lactose intolerance, and can help in curing diarrhea and reducing rotavirus shedding etc.
Some manufacturers of Probiotics supplements add some additional nutrients to make it more strong and supportive for other serious and troublesome diseases. Like SuperProbiotic which is made along with fiber and calcium to provide good health to your muscles, bones, teeth and gums. This product has already got immense popularity due its spellbinding effects on curing Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Inflammatory Bowel diseases like Ulcerative Colitis as well as Crohn’s Disease. And its fiber, Psyllium is just amazing in helping you maintain your regularity, decreasing blood sugar level, lowering cholesterol level and most strikingly it can reduce the chance of heart disease.
Hence take your decision wisely. Think first what actually you want. Whether you want only Probiotics support or want other supportive supplements to get well toned and balanced body-it’s completely depends on you.

Super Probiotic – Get The Facts First!

Super Probiotic is a revolutionary digestive supplement for all those people who are facing chronic digestion problems for long. This supplement renovates normal digestive system of a human being with its Probiotics content and provides him/her a balanced body with its fiber as well as calcium content. But before embracing the product you should acquire a brief knowledge about its magnificent ingredients and revolutionary effects in curing people’s digestive system.
Let’s start with Probiotics which are nothing but essential bacteria to be present in the gastrointestinal tract to help in proper digestion of food that we eat. These bacteria are also very useful for healthy immune system of body. Because of its great impact on healthy digestive system, these are just amazing and ultimate options to cure some serious problems that most of the time trouble a person like constipation, stomach ache, diarrhea etc. These Probiotics are just magnificent in handling Irritable Bowel Syndrome as well as inflammatory bowel diseases for example Ulcerative Colitis and Crohn’s Disease.
Sometimes getting sick we need to take antibiotics that kill both the useful and harmful bacteria to make us cured from the disease. As a result useful Probiotic presented in gastrointestinal tract gets destroyed. Hence we must provide our body Probiotics with the adequate supplement either after the medication or during the medication.
While many available Probiotic supplement provide effective result with sufficient Probiotics, Super Probiotic brings outstanding effects on human body with its rich fiber and calcium content. Thus this product helps a person in renovating his/her muscle, bone, gum and teeth health. Super Probiotic contains Psyllium as fiber content and this substance is just fabulous in helping you to maintain your regularity for bowel movement as it gets easily mingled with the stomach. It is considered as natural remedy for the most troublesome Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Moreover you’ll be spellbound when you come to know that this Super Probiotic can help you to keep few serious diseases away like high cholesterol, high blood sugar and life threatening heart diseases.
Many people take plain yoghurt or other Probiotics supplement to provide their body useful bacteria so that they make their digestive system perform perfectly. But you’ll be astonished when you come to know that bacterial strains in those products don’t remain alive when those are actually consumed and arrive at bowel. Unlike those products Super Probiotic ensures that your body gets live bacteria strains while you’re consuming this supplement.
Hence in a nutshell Super Probiotic provides every single person who intakes this supplement a balanced and toned body by reviving body’s healthy digestive system.  Super Probiotic is absolutely free from any side effects and is approved by clinics and doctors. Thus you can use this product to get effective as well as safe result for your chronic digestion related disorders and inflammatory bowel system. You’ll be lifted up when you hear that Super Probiotic is formulated by Gastroenterologists.
Now I guess you’ve got pretty good ideas and facts on Super Probiotic and its magnificent ingredients. Don’t waste time; rather order the product online and enjoy your renovated digestive system along with balanced body.

Jumaat, 4 Mac 2011




  • From: "Elisheba" <sofiachristiana>

  • 'Tibicos' - probiotic culture of Latin America
    "There is a long pre-Columbus use of Tibicos in Mexico as 'a ferment' (equivalent to the ginger beer plant of England). The culture is believed to date back to before the time of the Aztecs, where it was used by ancient physicians.
    Just as milk kefir grains vary slightly in composition, so no doubt do Tibicos. It seems that the term Tibicos was corrupted to Tibetan crystals and then to Japanese crystals, along with colourful names such as 'California bees' which describes their activity."
    Some of this info from Karen Bueger's site (Dresden, Germany)
    In 1899, M Lutz documented the existence of Tibicos, a culture derived from the sugar saturated liquid of the Opuntia cactus of Mexico. It was taken back to Germany where it has been in consistent use since the 1930s - it increased in popularity in the 1980s when it became a 'cult drink' of sorts, in Germany, Switzerland and Austria.
    Also known as 'Tibetan Crystals' (thus causing confusion with Tibetan Kefir milk culture which can also be used to culture juices and water/fruit mixtures). Known in Japan as Japanese Water Crystals because used there to culture water, juice and fruit mixtures.
    Properties: Probiotic because Tibicos is a symbiosis of bacteria and yeast cells. Contains Lactobacillus Brevis, Streptococcus Lactis and Saccharmyces Cerevisae.
    How to, with tibicos cultures:
    Keep tibicos cultures in a matrix of water and sugar, at room temp. Every 6 weeks or so, strain out the cultures (eg when you are about to use them to ferment juice), make a new matrix liquid and throw the old liquid matrix out - it is good in compost, cos full of yeasts and bacteria.
    To ferment juice with tibis, eg. Organic apple juice, pomegranate juice, apple and blackcurrant juice (no citrus):
    Put the tibicos cultures and their matrix storage liquid into a plastic sieve, not metal, over a plastic container. Take the tibis cultures out of the plastic mesh of the plastic sieve, with a plastic spoon, not metal. Then carefully (they are quite small) put the tibis cultures into some juice, eg. organic apple juice and let it ferment for 2 days at room temp.
    Then you strain the tibis out of the juice, using same sieve method as above related. Put the tibis back into their storage liquid of sugar and water and keep at room temp. in their storage hutch.
    Put the fermented apple juice into the fridge. Every couple of days check to see what sort of yeast build up you have in the fridge bottle - commonly you need to remove the fermented juice, swill out the bottle a couple of times with clean water, then replace the product in the fridge. This stops the product fermenting too much in the fridge, cos it continues to ferment in the fridge to a degree.

    ..One keeps the Scoby in a little kitchen hutch at room temp - like one of those Breakfast fruit plastic jars by SPC. You keep it in black tea (believed to be good for the culture) sweetened with brown sugar. Now and then, you take the lot out of the hutch and swill out the bottom of the Scoby hutch, to stop excess yeasts building up and creating too much acidity for the Scoby. Its also necessary to make up new black tea and sugar solution from time to time and and chuck out the old solution - the old is good for driving compost. The 'matrix' is the tea and sugar that the Scoby lives in, when its not fermenting.
    Kombuchaed juice: Kombucha continues to ferment in the fridge, as Kefir does, even when you swill out the yeast at the base of the product bottle from the fridge every 2 days, to keep the yeasts down. So I only make about 3 cups at a time, when there are two people drinking it daily.
    Take 3 cups of apple juice or apple and blackcurrant juice. Put this into a plastic jar at room temp., to ferment the juice for 2 days, eg. a Decore plastic jar with a screw top. Pull the Scoby out of storage hutch with two fingers and stick it into the fermenting jar of juice. After two days, pull out Scoby from ferment and put back into its storage house, then put fermented juice product in fridge and drink about one cm of kombuchaed juice over a small amount of mineral or plain water, say 3 oz/90 ml, once a day. Kombucha is strong stuff, so once a day is plenty. If I had cancer as a concern, I would use it twice a day.
    The big and mature Kombuch scobies are about a cm fat, usually round and about 3 inches across but even the junior, less mature ones do a perfectly good job of fermenting. Up in Manchuria, they grow in puddles at the base of birch trees and feed on the carbohydrates from the trickling down birch tree sap.
    Kombuch as a culture, moved down into Japan from Manchuria China, then across into Russia, from where it moved across through Germany and on into the rest of Western Europe, becoming well established there by the 1970s, as with Kefir milk culture (contains 34 probiotics) from Tibet. Kombuch is also a probiotic but has a small number of probios, rather like Tibicos from Mexico and the yogurts.
    The Russians have been using K as an anti cancer regime and also to assist with treating cancer for a long time. I drink it in the warmer weather once a day tho not in the cold but if I'd had cancer, I would use it right the year round. Dietetics now has a lot of respect for some Chinese herbal and other similar therapeutic substances like Kombucha/Kefir - because they have now been shown by orthodox science to be so potent in their properties.
    In brief:
    Scoby lives in storage hutch at room temp.
    Scoby ferments juice at room temp.
    Fermented product is stored in fridge and you clean accumulated yeasts out of the fridge product bottle every 2 days, then replace product in bottle in fridge.
    Kombucha is now marketed in the States (black tea form) as 'Synergy GT' probiotic.

    Onibasu Link:
    Tibicos Mushroom
    I went to visit Joan  one morning. She was busy culturing or brewing Tibicos mushroom.  I was wondering what was that.  She was so excited over it and told me the miracles of Tibicos. She wanted me to try some of it .  I was  reluctant   but finally drank it after her persuasions.  Oh, I can accept the taste, a little like wine but not too sweet, I will give it a try to brew it for my family, after all there is no harm as Tibicos mushroom will produce good bacterias for our body. Joan gave me 3 spoonful to start off my brewing.

    What is Tibicos? The Tibicos,also known as tibi and many other names, are a culture of bacteria and yeast held in a polysaccharides matrix created by bacteria. The Tibicos originated from Tibet, in the Himalayas.  It was Mother of Theresa of Calcutta who obtained some for the poor and needy.  In fact, anyone can drink the tibicos in order that one may get the maximum benefits of the tibicos(the gift of nature).

    To start off my brewing, I need

    3 spoonful of tibicos
    11/2 spoonful of brown sugar
    3/4 bowl of clean water
    1 glass container
    1 plastic sieve
    1 plastic/ceramic bowl
    1 plastic/ceramic spoon
    1 PCs of clean cloth
    1 rubber band

    Clean the glass container but never use soap because it has contents that may kill the needed probiotics in the process of brewing.  Use alcohol or distilled white vinegar instead(as instructed from the massage I got from the net).  I washed  all my utensils  with hot water and rinsed with R.O water .
    Put the tibicos, sugar and water in the container.  Cover with the pieces of cloth and faster it with the rubber band.

    Leave the container in an undisturbed place for 24 to 48 hours.
    I strained it after 24 hours and drank it first thing in the morning with an empty stomach.

    It taste like wine but not too sweet.  I repeat the process for 3 days, manage to brew another unit for my husband. I was able to brew for my mother, my sister, my father-in-law and my maid too.  I gave away to my friends as well. I have extra in my freeze, you are welcome to have it because it is distributed free.

    Tibicos is good for arthritis, migraines, cancer, diabetes, heart disease, digestive system, liver, muscles, nerves, eyes, skin, lungs kidneys and blood. Treat it as a supplement drink.  It will help you get well and better health in no time.


    Drug Money and The Old Boy Network

    The Melatonin Secret was out. In popular magazines and television reports, people across the country discovered that a rela¬tively small dose of this inexpensive hormone was not only a safe sleeping potion, but it also held a significant promise for extending our youth. Food-supplement manufacturers could barely keep up with the sudden demand. And making the situation even more fortuitous for the consumer, Congress had recently enacted the new Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), making a hormone supplement like melatonin readily available without the delay of additional and expensive, time-consuming, product efficacy tests.
    The Melatonin Secret was out. In popular magazines and television reports, people across the country discovered that a rela­tively small dose of this inexpensive hormone was not only a safe sleeping potion, but it also held a significant promise for extending our youth. Food-supplement manufacturers could barely keep up with the sudden demand. And making the situation even more fortuitous for the consumer, Congress had recently enacted the new Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA), making a hormone supplement like melatonin readily available without the delay of additional and expensive, time-consuming, product effi­cacy tests.

    And then, on network television, along came a prominent biochemist/physician from a prestigious university with a terrifying melatonin scenario.

    “I’m really scared that someone’s going to take chronic doses of melatonin for a long time and have all kinds of disturbances in their other biological rhythms, which might lead them to drive into a telephone pole,” this good doctor said.

    Following up, the NBC correspondent said, “Another fear is that melatonin is sold not as a drug, but as a food supplement like vitamins. A law recently passed by Congress restricts the Food and Drug Administration’s ability to regulate food supplements. While there have been no reports of adverse reactions from melatonin, six years ago a manufacturer accidentally contaminated another food supplement used for sleep, called tryptophan, with an unknown toxin. Forty-five people were killed, and hundreds were disabled in this country alone.” Terrifying indeed.

    However, one small detail was omitted from this public-interest report: At the time of this broadcast, the diligent university professor (who shall remain nameless) had already obtained a patent for a compound containing melatonin as a prescription sleeping pill, and was in the process of seeking FDA approval to market his version of melatonin through his pharmaceutical company. In other words, if this professor-cum-businessman could get the FDA to classify mel­atonin as a drug instead of the natural nutritional supplement it was currently deemed, he would be able to corner the market in the entire United States for melatonin-containing sleeping potions—or at the very least, eliminate pure melatonin in the health food store as a competitor for it.

    You are probably thinking that the FDA, being an independent federal agency, would not be caught dead granting this professor the status he was seeking for melatonin. I mean, it might have the appearance of something that sounds dangerously like price gouging.

    “Don’t bet against it,” says an individual who is a watchdog of FDA operations. “You’d be surprised just how cozy the FDA is with pharmaceutical companies. It’s one of the all-time ‘old boy net­works.’ When policy makers leave the FDA, they usually turn up in executive positions at the very pharmaceutical companies which produce the drugs they have recently approved.”

    Fruit Well Being Advantages

    With numerous western diet programs revolving about higher body fat junk meals, fruit well being advantages aren’t some thing that ought to be ignored. Consuming a lot of fruit inside your diet plan is definitely an outstanding means of staying wholesome and decreasing your probabilities of creating a existence threatening sickness.

    Fruit well being advantages are huge. Most fruits are packed filled with nutritional vitamins, minerals, along with other normally happening nutrients. By creating certain we consume sufficient fruit as component of the wholesome diet plan, we’re equipping our bodies using the armor to resist the every day bombardment of harmful toxins from pollution. Fruit may also offer the essential nutrients to assist us cope with the stresses of contemporary existence.

    Numerous scientific research have confirmed that individuals who select to consist of much more fruit within their diet plan are much less most likely to create severe well being issues like coronary heart illness, cancer, Alzheimer’s, and diabetes-all of that are endemic within the contemporary globe. But also as acting as being a preventative help in opposition to severe sickness, fruits also consists of nutrients which assist the physique to battle infection and fix cell harm.

    Also as nutritional vitamins and minerals, fruit consists of antioxidants that are extremely essential within the battle in opposition to severe illnesses like cancer. Antioxidants function by stopping totally free radicals from attacking the physique. These so-called totally free radicals are accountable for harmful cells, which may set off numerous illnesses such as heart illness and Alzheimer’s. Totally free radical manufacturing could be brought on by numerous elements such as pollution, alcohol, and cigarette smoke. By consuming sufficient fruit, we are able to assist to stop totally free radicals creating cell harm.
    Fruit also consists of a lot of fibre, that is extremely essential for maintaining the human digestive program operating correctly. A diet plan packed filled with fruit can assist the physique to effectively expel waste items, which consists of the harmful toxins that may result in colon and bowel cancer.
    Consuming a minimum of 5 portions of fruit each day is significantly much better than taking diet plan dietary supplements. It’s also a a lot tastier choice. You will find a lot of types of fruit to select from and most supermarkets stock plenty of tasty exotic fruits also because the much more acquainted fruits we’re utilized to.
    Also because the numerous fruit well being advantages, incorporating sufficient fruit into your diet plan is really a fantastic method to slim down. Fruits are filled with fibre which assists the physique to really feel complete following a meal. This stops snacking, which will be the downfall of numerous diet programs according to restricted calories. Simply because fruit is so wholesome, you are able to consume as a lot of it while you want with out consuming also numerous calories. Rather than snacking on chips or candy in between meals, you are able to attempt consuming a bit of fruit rather. Not just is this a a lot more healthy option, it’ll also assist to manage any insidious cravings for sugary snacks.
    Even though refreshing fruit is preferable, any kind of fruit will do. You are able to attempt dried fruit, tinned fruit, or fruit juice. It’s simple to create fruit an pleasant component of one’s diet plan and by growing the quantity of fruit you consume inside your every day diet plan, you’ll quickly see what a distinction fruit well being advantages could make.
    In the event you aren’t a fruit lover you need to be. Our web site includes a prosperity of info on numerous various species of fruit, their well being advantages as well as some extremely fantastic recipes.

    Physiology Presentation: How Digestion, Respiration and Circulation Interrelated

    Digestion, respiration and circulation are all interrelated as they composed the systems of the body.

    The body is made up of several systems. Digestive, respiratory, and circulatory systems are just among them. Digestion, respiration and circulation respectively are the processes undergoing in human body involved with these systems. Each has its own unique process to follow and each has its own substance to process before it can be used by the body tissues. The three processes are also interrelated to each other as one cannot stand alone.

    Process of Digestion
                Digestion is the breakdown of foods physically and chemically into its absorbable state. It starts in the mouth passes into the esophagus and propelled into the stomach where it is processed by gastric secretions. The completion of digestion takes place in the small intestines (Stein & Miller, 2000).
    Process of Respiration
                Respiration involves the lungs where oxygen from the environment passes through the alveoli of the lungs into the pulmonary capillaries for gas exchange. It is circulated to the peripheral capillaries in the organs and finally in the cells through the tissue capillaries.

    Image via Wikipedia
    Process of Circulation
                Blood circulation starts when blood enters the vena cava of right atrium and push into the right ventricle as the heart muscles contract. From the right ventricle blood enters the lungs via the pulmonary artery leading to it where blood is cleansed from all impurities and goes back to the left side of the heart via the pulmonary veins. It enters the left atrium and pushed to the left ventricle to be distributed to all parts of the body via the aorta (Thibodeau, & Patton, 2003).

    Image via Wikipedia

    The three systems of the body are interrelated in a way that all undergoes a process. Before food is utilized by the body, it has to undergo changes within some organs involved. Food cannot be utilized by the body directly without it being processed. In like manner that before oxygen and blood is used by the cells of the body. They have to undergo changes too.
    Another point of relation is that Food, oxygen, and blood are all important substances that make life possible. Without the three substances a person cannot live.  Each three are also dependent to each other. For example, even if you have blood circulating in your body and clean air to breath if you do not have food, the cells of the respiratory and circulatory systems will not function normally to do their job as in processing the oxygen and blood to sustain life of an individual without food to give them energy and nutrients they needed. Eventually cells may slowly die if the absence of food for many days persists.
    Although digestion, respiration, and circulation have their own functions to do in the body, they have one objective that is to make life possible. Each is dependent to each other. One cannot stand alone and is not a separate part of the body.

    Tibicos: Mushroom of Tibet



    The Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, pre-occupied for the poor of the world, who cannot pay doctors, not to buy medicines because they are expensive, traveled to Tibet, the mountains of Himalaya where there is a famous monastery of the Buddhist monks. These monks possess outstanding knowledge of nature.

    In communications with these wise and experienced men, they gave her TIBICOS, a mushroom of wide curative and preventive qualities. They told her the only condition in distributing it is not to be sold (as a commercial product but it must be given away for free). The monks explained the manner of preparing and its dosage.

    • The mushrooms are fed with pure water and molasses. They reproduced and must be placed in containers made of glass. It is good to prepare them in the morning.
    • Fill the glass container (containing the TIBICOS) with 8 glasses of water and add 4 tablespoon of molasses (sang kaka) then LEAVE IT FOR 24 HOURS.
    • Strain the water after 24 hours, using a PLASTIC STRAINER and not one made of metal. The water is then ready for drink. It is goo to drink it before breakfast. But it can be taken many times during the day. It is not only curative but is also a refreshing drink.
    • Care must be taken in straining the TIBICOS. They have to be rinsed well with pure water after straining.
    • After rinsing them, put them again in its container. Add pure water and 4 tablespoons of molasses (sang kaka).
    • Cover the container with clean thin cloth to allow oxygen for the continuous growth of the TIBICOS. They grow rapidly so they need to be placed in biggest container (or may be distributed in several containers, adding more water and molasses).

    * HEAD:                       It cures migraine and pains on the head.

    * ARTERIES:    It combats rheumatism, arthritis and muscular pains.

    * RESPIRATORY SYSTEM:      It strengthens bronchial tubes and the lungs. It cures asthma, reduces phlegm and removes cough.

    * DIGESTIVE SYSTEM:            It improves the function of the liver, pancreas, bile ducts. It cures diarrhea, it helps in the process of digestion and helps to avoid gastritis and ulcers.

    * CIRCULATORY AND ARTERIAL PRESSURE:                      Controls cholesterol, softens hardened arteries and veins, lower sugar levels, controls arterial blood pressure; corrects hemorrhoids.

    * RENAL SYSTEM:                  Prevents in the formation of gall stones and if they are present it dissolved it little by little. It cures different illness of the bladder, helps one to urinate regularly and well.

    * NERVOUS SYSTEM:             It cures insomnia and dizziness. Removes pains produced by the nerves.

    * OBESITY:                  Burns fat. It keeps those who are thin in good health. For these, it is recommended that one should take 3 glasses of TIBICOS before breakfast.

    *AGING:           It avoids pains associated with aging. It reduces the effect of hormonal changes.

    *OTHERS:        Cures herpes, cataracts in the eyes, prevents some types of cancer in the skin.

    * ALCOHOL:    If taken frequently, it lessens the desire to get drunk, versus to take wine.  

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    Tibicos Mushroom: A Miracle Cure
    One of my mother's friends also did, and it alleviated her diabetes. She even said that the tibicos brought better effects than her expensive medicine. Before, she can't even stand; After taking the tibicos for weeks, she was able to walk. Many other (who we gave some tibicos to) claimed that the drink was good for them.
    The tibicos originated from Tibet, in the Himalayas. Mother Theresa of Calcutta obtained some for the poor and needy. (They aren't exclusively for the "poor and needy!" Anyone can drink the tibicos in order that we may get the maximum the gift of nature has.) There was a condition, though, for its distribution: It mustn't be distributed as a commercial product but as a free one.
    The tibicos drink can be created by growing the tibicos mushroom. You may find growing mushrooms a bad idea but you must consider the tibicos' effects, you must think about a better health. Here's how to do it:
    1. Store tibicos mushroom and water (the water must be pure) in a clean glass container. (Do not use soap in cleaning the container, for it has contents that may kill the needed probiotics for our health drink. Use alcohol or distilled white vinegar instead.)
    2. Add sugar (preferrably Muscovado) with 1 spoonful of sugar per 3 of Tibicos.
    3. Cover the container with a clean cloth and fasten it with a rubber band. This is needed because the Tibicos need oxygen to live.
    4. Store the container in an undisturbed area for 24-48 hours.
    5. Strain. (Use a plastic strainer, for a stainless one reacts against the Tibicos. Same goes with spoons)
    6. Drink. Preferrably at morning and on an empty stomach. If there's spare drink, store in the refrigirator.
    7. Repeat the procedures. However, cleaning the container again or rinsing it may wipe out baby Tibicos. Thus, it's not advisable. After many repetitions, the Tibicos will have been plenty for you to share with your friends.
    What does the Tibicos cure?
    It is good for arthritis, migraines, cancer, diabetes, heart, digestive system, liver, muscles, nerves, eyes, skin, lungs, kidneys, and blood. In addition it keeps body temperature regulated, and drinking it helps alcoholics to quit.
    So what are we waiting for, folks? Let us grow these mushrooms and obtain a healthy life. And thank God for what He has for us.

    Tibicos. Combination of Taste and Usefulness

    Probably, many our readers could never hear about such concept as Tibicos. Naturally, some heard it almost for the first time, others could hear the definition "Tibicos" or "Tibicos mushroom", but only few could taste this wonderful drink. But lets not anticipate but talk about what the Tibicos are. Actually, the Tibicos are fungus formation which has no attitude to plants growing on earth. As to the name it is said that Mother Therese of Calcutta once traveled to Tibet and met the monks and masters of that region who gave her these substance, hence the name is Tibicos.
    Though many people think rather sceptically of curative properties of zoogloeas, scientists proved long ago that Tibicos are not only nutritious but also rather useful drink containing vinegar bacteria. They promote digestion and also protect an organism from a various sort of infectious diseases. Besides, Tibicos are irreplaceable when the weather is hot, and one glass of the infusion will be enough to forget about thirst for a long time. Moreover, Tibicos have a pleasant sourish-sweet taste which for certain will be loved by fans of kvass. But do not be carried away a lot.
    When preparing an infusion it is important enough to find time to take care of the Tibicos. First of all, see to a special vessel, for example, a two-liter jar will do very well. Measure off a pair of table spoons of Tibicos and the same quantity of sugar which should be dissolved in warm water. Be careful and by no means allow the Tibicos grains to mix with sugar particles. It can lead to spoiling of your infusion and illness of the Tibicos. If you are careful and patient, your efforts will be rewarded. The Tibicos will be an excellent drink and unfailing remedy for illnesses.

    Khamis, 3 Mac 2011

    Tibicos-After 48 Hours

    Tibicos (Chinese Mushrooms) are known by many different names in every part of the world. Tepache, corn beverage, California Bees, Water Kefir Crystals, Wasserkefir, Piltz, Kefir di frutta, Colonch and rapaddura are just a few.  They are also referred to as the Drink of the Prophet, and the grains of the Prophet Mohammed, There are many stories associated with the discovery of these as well. Stories dealing with the miraculous benefits and the giving or passing on of the grains to those in need. 
    It is said that Mother Therese of Calcutta once traveled to Tibet and met the monks and masters of that region who respectful of her work gave her these translucent gels hence the name Tibetan Mushrooms.
    Tibicos, are compact, gelatinous masses, with a white or yellowish color. The form and size varies. Tibicos are made up of water, bacteria and yeasts. [Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Candida queretana, Bacillus subtilis, B graveolus, Torulopsis insconspicna, (Aidoo, 1986)]. A probiotic similiar to kefir, kombucha, Caspian Sea Yogurt and Viili. They seem to thrive best on what is called  Mexican Sugar  or  PILONCILLO ( pronounced  pee-lon-SEE-yoh)  Piloncillo is made from pure sugar cane juice from cane that has been hand cut, crushed mechanically and then heated to reduce its water content. The resulting thick syrup is poured into cone-shaped molds to dry. The cones of Piloncillo are called Panela.  Piloncillo is  molasses-free, chemical-free. and the tibicos loves it. Though you can use just about any sugar and mix with fresh fruit like apples, pineapples, lemons, organes, and with GINGER producing what some refer to as Ginger Beer.
    wash a large jar with white distilled vinegar or alcohol. Do not use tap water or chlorinated water. Do not use soap for cleaning as soap usually contains an anti-bacterial or fungal that remains and will kill our probiotics. There is no need to rinse or clean the jars after you started brewing as rinsing may rinse out any baby tibicos.
    I use 1/2  gallon jars
    Add Sugar. One spoonful of sugar to 3 spoonfuls of Tibicos. some recipes are 1:1 or one spoonful of sugar to one spoonful of Tibicos. most call for less sugar with a 1:3 ratio. The Cones are  difficult to break apart maybe that’s why the Tibicos loves them so much as they (the tibicos) have longer time watching you play with their food). One spoonful equals about one-third ounce (10 ml) of sugar. Generally I believe it is better to use less sugar, the one part sugar to 3 parts Tibicos is my preference.
    Add Water. Add 1/2-1 cup of fresh pure water per spoonful of tibicos.
    Cover with a clean cloth, (paper towel, coffee filter) and secure with a rubber band...Tibi's require oxygen.
    I have not found a definitive fermenting temperature, people just leave it out on the counter so the temperature could vary from 50-100F
    Leave in a quiet undisturbed spot avoid direct sunlight.
    Tibicos brew is ready to strain when it is amber in color. The color is light and golden. Usually the brew is ready in 1-3 days. For those who do not tolerate the sweet, you may leave the brew another twenty-four hours before straining. There is quite frequently a jelly mass floating on top of the brew...this is discarded.
    Strain using a household strainer with a fine mesh. (don't throw away the grains)
    Drink it on an empty stomach first thing in the morning
    If you have extra store in a clean container in the fridge.